Parma, “Mercante in fiera” (2 yearly events, Spring/Autumn):
In its 35 year history, our business took part in many antiques and vintage fairs and events.
The most awaited event in this sector is undoubtedly the “Mercante in Fiera”, which takes place in Parma.
Enrico Neri & Co s.n.c. have been taking part for 25 years in the spring and autumn edition of the Mercante in Fiera in Parma, which is one of the most important events in this sector in the whole of Europe: more than 1000 businesses showcase their vintage items, antiques and collectibles.
Milano (Novegro), “Brocantage” (many yearly editions)
In the past few years we also took part in the “Brocantage” antiques fair in Novegro, which has been taking place in the Novegro exhibition complex for more than 30 years
In our line of business, it’s usual to work with unique pieces which carry their own special history, and we think it’s important to make their history known to the wider public.
Over the course of the twentieth century, the lighting world took on many different styles influenced by the various cultural currents that came to exist.
For this reason we believe that the difficult part of our job lies in being able to distinguish the many historical, stylistic and cultural quirks of an item.
We believe it is also important to convey to our clients and to the wider public the beauty that resides in the lighting world, from glass manufacturing to industrial design.
For this very reason we offer a series of meetings throughout the year that shine a light on this world, and it is essential to us to work with expert artisans.
We also worked for many years with different local cultural organisations and took part in various events, making sure we presented unique pieces representative of a particular style.
Fiere di Parma Exhibition Complex, Mercanteinfiera 2018
Fiere di Parma Exhibition Complex, Mercanteinfiera 2017
Fiere di Parma Exhibition Complex, Mercanteinfiera 2016
Fiere di Parma Exhibition Complex, Mercanteinfiera 2000
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